Monday, September 25, 2017

30 W E E K S

30 Weeks

10 weeks left. Wait, what?! Here's this weeks updates for those interested.

Baby is the size of:
Baby girl is now the size of a summer cantaloupe measuring close to 17 inches and weighs somewhere near 3.5 lbs. My lovely husband made the remark this week "Wow babe, you're really looking like a pregnant lady this week!" Gee thanks babe. It's safe to say I'm a little self conscious about my weight/appearance already. Which is not good to be experiencing this soon since she's expected to put on about half a pound each week until she's born. Wowza!!

  •  She got her first case of the hiccups (that I've felt) and it was both amazing and annoying to feel haha Is that terrible to admit? Hiccups are something I get A LOT and poor Ethan can't stand listening too! But all of a sudden his little girl gets them and he thinks it's the coolest thing in the world ;) 

  • I had my first emotional "breakdown" this week. I have always been a big fan of Dairy Queens chicken basket or good old fashion cheese burger but Ethan doesn't care much for it so we don't go there a lot. Well I finally talked him into it using the big C word ("craving") and it was... horrible. Apparently the DQ's out here in the south switched out their chicken baskets and cheeseburgers for hot dogs and sandwich's. Hot dogs & Sandwich's!!!! Now I didn't cry or loose any sleep over it but I did complain to Ethan for the remainder of the day. When you are craving something and you don't...can't get it, it sucks!! Not fair on a pregnant lady! 

  • I'm officially up to 2 baths a day. My body just loves a good SOAK! I know some moms of more than one child probably want to slap me but I am trying to enjoy all this me-time and selfishness/laziness before I can't anymore. I did have to go get a better cushioned tub mat and prop a pillow behind my back in order to enjoy it, but I can't pass up time in the tub. 

  • My body is starting to feel those third trimester aches and pains. I can't sit too long without a pillow behind my back and I struggle to cross my legs. It feels like my body is always crunched in half. 
  • I had the first stranger ask to rub my belly! Surprised it didn't happen until now but thankfully it was just a nice older lady from my Zumba class and not some creepy dude. And while we are talking about Zumba class, I have been so grateful to have a healthy pregnancy that has allowed me to continue working out daily. It really helps not just physically but emotionally/mentally. This week I've decided to add in a weekly Yoga class and I think it's really gonna help my prego mom bod to give it some yoga lovin. 

How I'm sleeping:

I can sleep well for the most part, but I do still get up a couple times a night to use the restroom. I've mastered locating the toilet in the pitch black because if I turn on the light, it'll wake Ethan up. *the joys of living in a hotel! 

Best moment this week:

This week Ethan had staff duty where he basically has to be the security at the signal towers here on base for anywhere from 8-12 hours. At the end of the shift he has to walk around checking the buildings to make sure they are locked up. I was worried about him walking the route alone at like midnight so I decided to go walk with him. Well at one point, we split up and I went to check the backside of a building where I came face to face with a fox! Did I mention we are surrounded by forest and fog on base so this was just the icing on the creepy cake! Luckily the fox was super chill and just stared at me as I slowly backed away and then he/she ran off. I know this doesn't have anything to do with the baby, but I just wanted to look back and remember life of a pregnant army wife, doing security rounds at midnight and running into random wildlife...and living to tell about it ;)

Next Doctors Appointment:

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2017 @ 8:30am
Fort Gordon Hospital 
(my first of two-week appointments)
  • I got my results back from the glucose test and turns out I don't have Gestational Diabetes!! Thankfully! I have a sister-in law that's had it and I just really admire the changes she had to make with her diet. Even though I don't have to follow those guidelines they really did amazing things for her and have me a little tempted to follow them as well. 

Extras from this week:

Ethan has been ready to upgrade his car for some time now and since we are out here with all the free time in the world on the weekends, we decided to go to Columbia and test drive some cars to decide which one he's interested in. He really LOVES cars that are FUN to drive. Originally he wanted this two door car to which I vetoed immediately because of the third addition coming to our family real soon. I know I'm no fun as a wife! Someones gotta reign in these husbands and their crazy ideas  sometimes. Plus he managed to find a car that goes manual & automatic so we can both drive it easily. 

How do you teach NEED vs WANT to a man?

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