Tuesday, August 7, 2018


Wow, what a month! Grace hit so many milestones this month. She's officially crawling EVERYWHERE and trying to stand/walk up to EVERYTHING resulting in lots of bruises! She has two teeth! Right in the bottom middle. The first one popped through the day she turned 7 months on Uncle Kyson's wedding day. We had no clue it was coming because she showed no signs. However, the second one was another story. All the signs were there for that one two days later! And now four weeks later we think she might already be working on her upper two teeth! Another fun milestone is her clapping. Anytime we say, "Yay!" She will clap her hands with the proudest smile on her face! She can now climb the stairs but doesn't understand why she can't just fall backward when she's done! And at bathtime, as soon as she hears the water running she tries to lift her leg to climb into the tub or out when she's done.  Such a fun big month! 

Weight & Height - Grace weighs  19lbs now but we'll get the hight at her next month check-up. She is wearing mostly 6-9 month clothes and some brands of 9-12 months. We still use size 3 diapers and probably will for a while. 

Sleep - Grace still wakes up about 2 times a night, 1 on a good night. Honestly just long enough to drink her bottle then she's back out. Honestly, this is why we bought a long size bed because we are a family of snugglers in one big bed!  She loves to cuddle and sleeps better in my bed but I don't mind and if I want the bed to myself I just put her in the crib where she sleeps in between 8-9. She naps 2, sometimes 3 times, a day. 

Eat - Grace loves table food and rarely takes the baby food when offered. She gets excited when we give her some of our food and comes crawling when we have it. Her favorites are watermelon and chewing on a carrot. By chewing, she doesn't really get anything off it just helps with her teething. 

Mommy Update: I've now been working out 1-2 times a week and hoping to up it with my new Summit membership. Any mom's out there need a gym buddy? Hit me up. My days go so much better when I can wake up early to work out and get the house chores done before mom mode kicks in when Grace wakes up. The best part of the gym membership is I can go back to spin classes which I love!!  I've been working more each week from home and enjoying having a paycheck again and something to motivate me each week. I am the type of person that needs to be working on a project, craft or something to stay sane and feel productive. Even though I realize being a stay at home wife and Mom is the definition of productivity. 

I absolutely love this phase of life we're at as a family. Just the three of us. Grace is at the best age, so far, and so sweet! She smiles/giggles when she sees mom and leans for dad when he comes in the room. I dread the day when she doesn't just adore me anymore and thinks dads cooler. Which will happen! Until then I will enjoy every single moment with my little momma's girl!

Monthly Photo Dump
(click to enlarge)

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