Wednesday, August 19, 2015

FHE Meal Prep

FHE meal prep with the Barclays was a success! Ashtin & Dillon are so sweet and had us join their FHE when I found out it was meal prep! With school starting next week and us wives discussing how hard it is to work, go to school, and then come home just to spend hours in the kitchen was getting rough, this meal prep was a perfect solution. We whipped up 8 meals each at $7 a meal. So worth it!

This girl just gets me! Oh and btw awesome news, she likes me so much she gave me her job ;) ....Ok so she's going back to school and I'm starting her position next Monday. Just one more reason to love her!!

We sure did luck out in the husband department. These two helped the entire time while only asking twice..."is this the last one?!" haha Honestly, it was fun for the four of us to be in the kitchen together! The men were fabulous choppers, and we made it out with only one cut. Minor, thank heavens!

Gosh our husbands are GORGEOUS!! These two are so alike it's insane. It's such a great feeling when your husbands get along so well and by their own choice. :)

For those interested here's what we made. I'll keep you posted what we liked! And for anyone interested, let me know and I'll send you the recipes and grocery list. 

- Stuffed Peppers
- Chicken Fajitas
- White Chicken Chili
- Ham & Potato Soup

Summer Fun

Another weekend to remember! Ethan's cousin Shane got married on the 8th so all the family came to town! Ethan's brothers all live up north or out of the state so he was completely in heaven having them all here at once. We had Tami, Keean, & McCoy stay with us which ended up being a blast. I learned home is always a little brighter having a baby running around! One morning as I came out of my room to head to work I looked down the hallway to see the little man running to hug me. He sure made me baby hungry!! (Not an announcement) The weekend ended up being a great bonding time for the brothers, who stayed up far too late paying games. Fortunately, us sister in-laws (minus Lacey unfortunately) took advantaged of one of those late nights for our own quality bonding. Nails & girl talk are always a good idea!  

Favorite Uncle Ethan & McCoy

Saturday we went up to New Harmony for a family BBQ with all the family in town. It's just not a real trip to New Harmony without going for a ride on the razors! As long as I'm belted in I can handle the hubby's driving ;)

During the week we squeezed in a last minute trip to Vegas to watch a USA basketball game with our friends. Such a fun fast trip with good company. Minus getting an ear infection and agonizing pain for most of the trip we managed to have a good time! 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Floating with Family

Wow, what a fun weekend!! Mom and Dad found a killer spot up on the Sevier River and decided to take us all kayaking down it. We met up at 7 am, carpooled up, and floated down a good chunk of river. We started at the Big Rock Candy Mountain and made it a few miles down stream twice. Note to reader, the mountain is not made of learned that the hard way when she was a kid!  Minus a few exciting and quick paced areas the rest of the river was soooo relaxing. I found myself just closing my eyes and listening to nothing but the peaceful sounds of the long as the kids weren't crying. haha After the first time down they got the hang of it and started to enjoy themselves too.  Honestly, my family is the best part of me and I love whatever we do when it's with them!  

I love love having siblings my own age. They are our built in best friends!! So grateful we found two totally different but wonderful men who became family but choose to be friends. These two dare devils each took a turn flipping their kayaks, luckily they both survived ;)

Love the beautiful women in my life! Just missing Whitney but we excused her seeing as how she is pregnant and due in about 8 weeks and nauseous!! We missed your family whit!! I am blessed with the best family. 

We ended at this really cute spot on the river with that gorgeous bridge. And in the background you can see those trains that they refurnished into rooms you can rent out! Maybe next time we'll rent one out. Check out the spunk this little one year old has!! Nieces and nephews have a special place in your heart!


What would you say if you were offered free front row tickets to the RSL game? Umm... H-Yes!! My brother in law Jaron works for the governors office who has season seats. They offered him the tickets and unfortunately he couldn't go but took them anyways because he happens to know of some big fans! It was so sweet of him to give us the tickets and we totally enjoyed our night together. The game happened to fall on the 24th of July which being from Utah you know that means fireworks! After the game we were allowed on the field and given a great firework display. I love my summer nights with my handsome husband. GO RSL!!