Thursday, September 6, 2018


Oh my goodness, nine months already?! This is all happening too fast. I love that she's growing and learning but I hate that my little baby is disappearing. This month was another big one. Grace now has 6 teeth! Four upper and two on the bottom. It is really changing her look and making her look so grown up. Grace can crawl so fast and stand up to anything. She loves to play at my feet in the kitchen while I'm washing dishes or cooking. We have had to really baby proof and lock certain cupboards but it is fun to watch her get into the dishtowels and aprons and scatter them across the floor. She loves crawling up the stairs with dad's help but still doesn't understand coming down and why she can't just turn around and fall forward! She loves bathtime and splashes like crazy! Someday she'll figure out that putting her head straight down into the water doesn't end well! She randomly starts clapping or throwing her head up in the air when she's happy. Oh, she's just got so much personality and I love seeing that come out each month! 

Weight & Height - Grace weighs 20lbs. She finally didn't have to get shots at this months appointment and we were all so relieved! She is wearing some 6-9 and 9-12 month clothes and has thunder thighs...well thunder legs! 

Sleep - Grace naps about 2 hours after she wakes up each morning, then again in the late afternoon. She is pretty used to her nighttime routine and ready for bed by 8:30. Once she's asleep I lay her in her crib where she's only been waking up once in the night for a bottle. Then we sleep in until 8-9. I'm quite happy with her sleep schedule right now. We actually took her camping for her first time, two weekends in a row, and she slept better up there than she ever has! Must be something in the mountain air. I think our biggest problem with sleeping right now is that she has to be playing with my hair and it's causing major hair loss! Any tips on how to get her to stop would be much appreciated! I have tried a small wig but She didn't fall for it. 

Eat - Grace now eats strictly table food. She won't even taste the baby food, she just purses her lips tight anytime I put the spoon to her mouth. She currently loves applesauce packets and watermelon. Lately, she's been taking pieces out of my mouth and trying to put them in her mouth on her own. It's adorable. 

Mommy Update: Well mom's life just got a little bit crazier! I was recently called as the YW secretary so Grace is gonna get to go earlier than 12! Ethan was also called to serve in the YM's and so she'll get passed between us during activities and on Sundays until she can go to Nursery. I don't even want to think about her ever being that old though! Anyways, my life now consists of Grace, household duties, working part-time from home, the gym, friends and family, and now this calling. I am looking forward to the busier pace and seeing just how well we can juggle grace between the two of us and our new callings. I'm sure my testimony will be strengthened by these young women and their impact they will have on me and I greatly look forward to it. 

Monthly Photo Dump
(click to enlarge)

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