Sunday, October 7, 2018


DOUBLE DIGITS!! Wow! Grace is seeming more and more like a soon to be one year old! She's getting sooo big!! It just blows my mind how fast a year can go!  She's gotten so cuddly lately. In fact, my favorite time of day is right when she wakes up because she just wants to lay and cuddle for a few minutes. There's nothing sweeter than her initiating the cuddle session for a change instead of me forcing her! ;)  You'll often find Grace under the table waking between the chairs or trying to climb the stairs when I'm not looking! Last week I got distracted folding laundry and by the time I realized Grace was missing she had made it all the way up the stairs and into the guest bathroom splashing in the toilet! We purchased a baby gate that afternoon! If you missed it, go check out my last post of her nine-month photoshoot. She's such a doll! 

Weight & Height - Grace was last weighed at 19lbs but I think it's closer to 20lbs. She is almost ready to be switched to a bigger size car seat because of her height. She's wearing size 3 diapers still and 6-9 month, and some small 12-month clothing. Like adorable little sweaters!! Just in time for fall! 

Sleep - We found a schedule that is working pretty well. Wake at 8-8:30. Walk to the park/workout. Breakfast. Nap 10. Eat. Play. Nap in the afternoon, depending on our schedule that day, around 2-3pm. Eat. Play. Bath around 7:30-8 and bed at 8-830.   She still wakes up 2 times a night for feedings, but I've slowly been decreasing her amount at nighttime and she doesn't even notice and then is right back asleep within 5 minutes. Oh and she's officially sleeping in her own room now! It's great to have our room/bed back!! If I'm being honest, I do miss her sometimes. I may or may not check the owlet app at least once a minute. 

Eat - She eats table food and she eats it well! She wants whatever is going into our mouths! Dad is still learning that she's still just a little girl and doesn't have as many teeth as we do to chew large pieces. She is very stubborn and will not eat anything she doesn't want to. She also learned this new trick where she spits and blows raspberries, constantly! 

Mommy Update: Still working at the dental office from home, getting the hang of Young Women's Secretary and trying to squeeze in as much gym time as I can. I've really gotten back into cycling in spin classes and trying to do a no sugar phase! We'll see how that goes. I love this mommy life I'm living. 

Monthly Photo Dump
(click to enlarge)

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