Tuesday, November 6, 2018


How is my baby almost one!!! This past month has been a big one. She now walks and pretty well I might add. She started the week she turned 10 and has been just moving ever since. It didn't really surprise me that she walked before a year, she has always wanted and tried to be so mobile. You'll often find her dragging a shirt or hand towel around and getting angry when she steps on it and can't walk anymore. She's got a short temper like her daddy ;) Her first word after mom and dad is "dog" and she says it for dogs and all other animals. We are working on Cat or Kitty. She understands certain phrases such as "go for a walk" or "time to get out".  She loves to wave at everyone and knows that "hello" and "Bye-bye" means to wave. She's so talkative right now and trying out new sounds. The best part is she puffs out her lips when talking! Her most favorite place to go right now is Home Depot to see all the Christmas Trees. You will always hear her saying WOW or OOH about everything right now. I love her excitement and love for life at this age! She brings so much light and love to our little family and we are incredibly blessed to have her.  

Weight & Height - Grace has actually lost a little weight being so mobile this month. She weighs 18 lbs and she's just over 2 ft tall (26 inches). She is thinning out now that she's walking and loosing her cute little baby chub. When I kiss her cheeks you can feel them sunk in a bit. She's wearing 9-12 month and some 12-18 month clothing. 

Sleep She is back to sleeping 5-6 hour stretches and still LOVES to cuddle! I'm starting to wonder if our king size bed will someday sleep Ethan and I and our x amount of kids that all love to cuddle. You know, that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. She still naps at least once a day. Rarely twice because she'd rather be awake and playing. She doesn't want to miss anything. She's back in our room because after about three weeks in her own room I decided it really wasn't worth it for me to stay sain and be able to have the energy to take care of her all day. She didn't sleep for more than two hours at a time so I was constantly getting up in the night. I'd rather still co-sleep and get 6-hour stretches than have her in her own room sleeping 2. Oh, the joys of sleep training. Not my talent.

Eat - Grace will eat anything and everything she finds on the floor ;) She loves her yogurt melts and holding/eating her own apple. She will only sit in the high chair for a limited time and then when she's done she constantly tries to climb out! Her dad loves sharing his sweets and treats with her and I have to constantly remind him she's still a baby! Although, she sure does have a sweet tooth! She's gonna love her cake smash next month!! 

Mommy Update: This month we are headed to Jamaica and I'm having a hard time deciding whether or not to leave her. It's too hard to leave my baby. I'm still too attached. I guess it'll depend on how she's sleeping.  I think I'll always have this strong attachment to my baby girl, it's just something I'll have to learn to adjust to. Ah, I'm so lucky to be her mom. 

Monthly Photo Dump
(click to enlarge)

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