Sunday, January 12, 2020

Halle's Brith Story

Halle ann came into the world quick and fairly easily. Wow. I still can't believe that statement is true. After my rough labor and delivery with Grace, I just wasn't expecting things to be this easy the second time. Even after everyone telling me they usually get easier with each one, I just couldn't let myself believe it and get my hopes up just to go through another hard delivery. I am still in a bit of shock and relief that it really went so smoothly. It's so nice looking back at my birth experience and feeling good about it.
In an effort to keep this post from turning into a novel and because I don't have a lot of time until my two year old or newborn need my attention, here is the quick rundown! 

Early Firday morning on Jan 10th, 2020 I was 38 weeks and 6 days along when I woke up at 3:30am feeling the contractions starting. They weren't close together and not too intense so I tried to go back to sleep. I slept on and off the rest of the morning as much as I could between contractions and the excitement of knowing today was the day! As Ethan woke up and got ready for work I told him to be on standby for my call in case he needed to leave early. I went about my morning getting the last of my hospital bags packed and last minute things. My mom and sister Shayli were in town so they helped me time contractions and entertain Grace.
We had just purchased our van the week before and now sold my car and needed to drop it off and do the paperwork. I told Ethan I could handle it so us girls headed over to the new buyers house. By this time it was around 9 or 10 am and my contractions were getting harder. Luckily the lady we sold my car to was very sweet and understanding as I literally labored in her kitchen while signing the paperwork. I would have to stop and lean over her counter and breath through each contraction wondering if I was going to deliver in some strangers kitchen! Luckily we were able to wrap things up pretty quickly and headed home to rest. Or so I thought! As soon as we got back home I knew we needed to grab our bags and get to the hospital. My mom kept grace in the waiting room and shayli accompanied me to labor and delivery subbing for Ethan until we knew if they were going to keep me or not. Sure enough it was time! We checked into Labor and Delivery traige at 11:50am. I was dialted to a 7 with active labor contractions every 2-3 minutes. Ethan got there and switched shay out and we were admitted to LDR #06. I 
Triage- dilated to a 7 with active labor contractions every 3-4 minutes. Ethan got there and switched shay out just as we were being admitted and into LDR 06. I received my Epidural at 2pm and at 3:22 a nurse broke my water. We called Ethans parents and told them to head down wanting them to get there soon after the delivery so they could meet our fresh new baby girl. By 4pm it was time to push so my doctor made her way in. This was the moment I was dreading, after Grace's delivery which was 4 hours of just pushing!! (Ridiculous, I know) We began pushing and right away I could tell it was going to be different this time. The doctor and nurses could already see her head and were getting excited. By the third push she was here!  My amazing doctor surprised me by saving "here momma, grab your baby!" She then helped guide my hands under Halle's arms and I was able to pull her out and onto my chest! It was such an incredible experience and so rewarding and empowering! I will request that with each of my babies from now on for sure.  
With this pregnancy I was smaller than I had been with Grace so I was expecting a small baby, especially since she came just over a week early. I had been told at previous appointments that she was only measuring 6 or 7lbs. I was shocked when they weighed her and said she's a big one, 9lbs 1oz! Grace was only 6'12 at a week over so I will never know what to expect with each baby! 

Halle needed to use supplements because her blood glucose level was low, which happens more often with bigger babies,. She had to be woken every 2 hours for a blood prick test! I really disliked watching them poke her every 2 hours for the duration of our hospital stay! 

Introducing Grace to her new baby sister was so so sweet. She had just woken up from a nap and was a little out of it but gave a sweet little smile as she looked back and forth from me to Halle. She held her on my lap and sang happy birthday, which we got on video, and gave her kisses. The cutest part was Grace cuddling with me after and she just kept saying "Mommy you ok? You will be ok Mom! 

I'm so grateful we had my parents and Ethans in town for those first few days. There is nothing better than watching your parents meet their grandbabies. I can only imagine how that will feel someday! Plus their help with Grace was amazing. It was also so fun to have my sister there. I would have had my other sister there too had she not been busy with her own kiddos! My twin Shay was actually due with her baby girl just four months later so it was a good experience for her to witness what she would go through soon. Luckily it was a good one for her to witness unlike my first delivery! 

We are so blessed and love little Halle Ann so much! She brings so much joy to our family and we would love feel complete without her. I can't wait to watch her little personality grow and see how her and Grace become the best of friends! Yay for sisters!! 

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