Thursday, December 6, 2018


How is my sweet baby a one year old?! Where did this last year go?! I can't believe how much Grace has grown. She's a busy curious and beautiful little girl. I have to keep my eye on her at ALL times or who knows what she'll get herself into. I love her curiosity but it sure does keep me on my toes. She is constantly trying to make new sounds and really just wants to have conversations. Sometimes I swear she thinks we understand her. She can now say momma, dada, dog, and Kitty Cat. When we ask her a question or she's looking for something she tilts her palm up and looks at us as if she's asking, what? Where? or Why? It's the cutest little thing. 
P"eight & Height -  Grace now weighs 20lbs and 28 inches tall. She wears 12-18 month clothes and is continuing to thin out with all the walking and constant moving she's doing. It doesn't look normal to see her walking around on those tiny little legs. 

Sleep I don't know exactly how it happened but she's dropped to one nighttime waking. She wakes up between 3-4 am and after a quick bottle is back asleep until 8:30. I love that she is finally sleeping well through the night but unfortunately just in time for it to be ruined by our family trip consisting of two red-eye flights and a new bed. Fingers crossed she doesn't notice ;)

Eat - She is getting to be quite the little eater. She loves mealtime and eating whatever we are eating. We learned over Thanksgiving that she hates mashed potatoes, especially sweet potatoes. We think it might just be because the texture is too much like regular baby food. It was so funny to watch her scrunched up little face when she spits it out and then refused anything else from us because she was afraid we were tricking her into trying it again. 

Mommy Update:  I don't know how it's possible already that I am a mom to a one-year-old!? I am proud of us. Of Grace and I getting through this first year and learning and growing together. We survived!! It will be weird to not have a monthly post anymore but I don't think that will mean I'll take any fewer pictures! I think I have to get used to hearing the phrase now, "so when's the next one?" The answer, I'm not ready. To go through another pregnancy, another delivery, and then be responsible for keeping another teeny tiny human alive. I enjoy the phase of life the three of us are in and I think we'll keep it this way for a while. Plus, I finally hit my pre-pregnancy weight a while back and I want to just enjoy it for a minute. I just want some more time one on one with my sweet little girl! 

Monthly Photo Dump
(click to enlarge)

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