Friday, August 16, 2019

Baby #2 is on HER way!

SURPRISE! We're having another little GIRL! Due January 18th, 2020. What a perfect way to start the new year. We decided to announce our pregnancy at the famous Gum Wall in Seattle, WA by blowing the color of Gender. (see picture).
Most of our family already knew we were pregnant but not many others before we announced at 16 weeks. It was hard to share this news this pregnancy because my twin sister and her husband have been struggling with infertility. Infertility is such a cruel challenge to go through and it even affects your family and friends closest to you. I want nothing more than for them to become parents and enjoy the blessings of having a sweet baby in their home. That's why it was so hard to share this news with them. However, they have been so wonderful to support us and be happy for us. No, it doesn't mean it didn't hurt for them to hear we were expecting but they have chosen to be happy for us. They will be doing their first round of IVF in the next month or so and I'm crossing my fingers and praying soooo hard that it will work and we can go through pregnancy together and raise these precious little ones close in age. Seeing the first trimester come to an end, I realized I should get started on our monthly updates, just like I did for Grace. It will fun to compare the two pregnancies and see the differences. So here we go...

I found out I was expecting on May 9th.
Currently, I am 17 weeks + 2 days.
Morning Sickness: This pregnancy was different from the very beginning. The sickness definitely hit me but I didn't start throwing up until about 11 weeks and it's been a struggle each day since then. I'm crossing my fingers the real sickness just hit me late and that it doesn't stick around that whole 9 months. :( I am longing for that promised second-trimester energy. I did finally start a workout plan but after now about 3 months of not being able to do much of anything active it has taken its toll. I feel I have lost a ton of muscle. I guess at least I'm starting somewhere and I fully believe exercising through pregnancy truly has a huge effect on your energy and recovery during and after delivery.

While I can't promise to be as punctual as I was with Graces monthly updates, I will try my best! I want this baby girl to be able to look back and read through our first 9 months together! Coming up next is our 20-week anatomy scan and if I'm being entirely honest, I'm nervous for it. Fingers crossed baby girl is growing healthy and strong!

Photos from our trip in Seattle:

Mt. Charleston

 Grace loved flying with both Grandpa & Grandma and the greats! 

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