Thursday, October 5, 2017

32 W E E K S

32 Weeks

7.5 weeks left...maybe more, maybe less? Enjoy this week's updates.

Baby is the size of:
She is now the size of a Florida Pomelo! I'll be honest, I had to look that one up. ;) She is measuring in close to 18 inches and weighs about 4lbs. At my weekly checkup I was measuring in at 30 weeks but my doctor assured me that it's no concern unless I get three weeks behind.  
  • That nasty H word just won't let up... Heartburn!! Luckily at my doctor's appointment, I was given a stronger medication that has worked wonders. Zantac is my new best friend. 
  • I feel so bent in half lately. Literally, it feels as if I'm completely leaning over trying to touch my toes ALL THE TIME! Even when I'm leaning back I can't stop the feeling. And it's sure to only get worse as the weeks go on. 
  • Her movements are getting more and more intense. Less of little flutters and more of a complete force shoving around inside me. It's amazing!
  • Sadly, I've had to cut back at the gym. I still go daily, but I've become good friends with the bikes and elliptical and less with the weights and Zumba. It still counts if I'm going to half of the Zumba classes, right? 
  • I know I've talked about this before, but man this girl takes after her momma! Hiccups every morning and night! Dad loves it but I bet he wouldn't if I were to put my belly on him late at night and early in the morning so he had to be awake too! I guess this is just another way I'm being prepared for what my schedule might be like shortly. 
  • My blatter is shrinking...okay so maybe it has something to do with this growing babe in there!
Best moment this week:
General Conference was this last weekend! This was one weekend I knew I was going to get a little homesick. Every year for General Conference we usually watch a session at home with my family eating lots of yummy snacks and going on a family walk in between sessions. So Ethan and I took matters into our own hands and stalked up on treats then started our morning off with a walk at Phinizy Swamp. Plus, as cliche as it sounds, I swear most of the conference talks were totally written for me.


Next Doctors Appointment:

Tuesday, October 17th, 2017 @ 11:30am

Fort Gordon Hospital 

Extras from this week:
  • Bought a new maternity dress! I still can't believe this is my body right now?! It's been a struggle watching the numbers on the scale go up each week, but then when I feel her move inside me it completely puts my mind at ease and makes me realize it's all worth it! Someday I will really miss this bump.

  • Last minute Tuesday night we randomly decided to go to an Atlanta Soccer game! We pilled in the car as soon as class got out and drove two hours to Atlanta. Even getting home late on a weekday we totally didn't regret it after seeing such an intense game! Their Arena was amazing and had 43,000 people in attendance! Plus I love seeing how excited Ethan gets at games. He deserved a break from class and got just that! 

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